Article One There is One Universal God. There is One Universal Spirit. One, whole, and indivisible. There is no other. Due to Spiritual Ignorance, the people see Universal God differently. Because of this, they call Him by different Names. In Truth, Universal God is Universal Spirit which is both Manifest and Unmanifest; both Personal and Impersonal; both Immanent and Transcendent; yet, neither. Universal God is the One Greatest Mystery. Mind cannot grasp Him. Only Spirit can Know Him. Article Two Universal God alone is Real. There is nothing but Universal God everywhere. Universal God is the One Source, Cause, Substance, and Self of all Creation; all Existence; and all Being. Creation, Existence, and Being have no Reality or Existence apart from Universal Spirit. Article Three Soul is Pure Divine Universal Spirit which is Ignorant of its True Nature. In Truth, all Soul is Pure Divine Universal Spirit which is One and Identical with Universal God, and no other. Spiritual Ignorance and Wrong Believing hide The Truth from the people's hearts and minds. Their result is birth, division, conflict, pain, fear, suffering, sorrow, and death. Their fruit is endless rounds of births and deaths. Enlightenment and Self-Realization are the cure. The Friend's Holy Initiation is True Enlightenment. Self-Realization is full and Absolute Knowledge of The Truth, born of Direct Spiritual Experience. There is no Self-Realization without True Enlightenment. There is no other Salvation or Liberation. The Truth, alone, sets all people free. Article Four Self-Realization is the One Universal Purpose and Goal of all Life. All Creation; all Existence; and all Being; are for Self-Realization alone. The Purpose and Goal of the wave is to return to the sea from which it has come; and, of which it is a part. The Purpose and Goal of each Soul is to attain Self-Realization and to return to Universal God from which it has come; and, of which it is a part. True Enlightenment and Self-Realization alone bring True Salvation and Liberation. True Enlightenment and Self-Realization alone bring Supreme Peace, Love, Understanding, Compassion, Freedom, Truth, and Joy to the living. True Enlightenment and Self-Realization alone attain the Supreme Grace of Perfect Eternal Union with Universal God at life's end. Article Five Creation has two natures, Karma and Dharma. Karma is Ignorance. Dharma is Self-Realization. Karma is Wrong action, arising from Ignorance. Dharma is Righteousness arising from Truth. Karma pulls down. Dharma lifts up. Due to Karma, the people fall into darkness. Selfishness and Materialism are the lowest Karma. The Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma is the Highest Dharma. In times of great Spiritual Ignorance; when selfishness and materialism cloud the hearts and minds of the people; and darkness covers the world; Universal God Awakens within an ordinary man or woman for the sake of My Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma and Self-Realization. In some ages, Universal God Awakens within man to rejoice the Holy Dharma. In others, to preserve its Universal Truth. In yet others to raise up The Spirit within the people. In still others, to change the course of humanity. And, finally, to put an end to Ignorance and Wrong Believing, Renew The Age of Pure Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma Universalism, and bring forth The Holy Satya Yuga on earth. Because of these things, Adhyatmavadi accept and revere all of Universal God's Prophets, Saints, Buddhas, Avataras, and Saviors of all times. But this, according to The Friend's Teachings and Divine Guidance alone. Without being bound to accept the scriptures, doctrines, dogmas, opinions, or beliefs others hold to be true about these. Article Six Universal God's Divine Nature is Eternal Truth, Infinite Consciousness, and Perfect Bliss. These shine forth in Creation as Universal Peace, Universal Love, Universal Understanding, Universal Compassion, Universal Freedom, Universal Truth, Universal Joy, and above all, as Self-Realization. Each Soul shares Universal God's Divine Nature and Qualities. Every Soul has Free Will and Free Choice. Every Soul must enjoy or suffer the results of choosing. The people's wrong choosing has come back to them. Humanity has plunged into the worst of The Age of Ignorance and Wrong Believing. The people face complete destruction. Prophecy says wait. Scripture says, not yet. The Law makes no allowance for saving the people. But, Universal God's Divine Love and Compassion are Supreme. To save the people, Universal God has Awakened within Adhyatma Bhagavan Sri Babajhan Al-Kahlil The Friend in this day. Universal God's Divine Will is Supreme. It is above all scriptures and laws of people and nations. When Universal Spirit Calls, the Enlightened answer. Though others object; though they believe themselves unworthy; though they would avoid the sacrilege of being raised up to so high a place; the God-Awakened receive His Will and Grace of their own Free Choosing. What Universal God Ordains, the Enlightened accept. On the Seventh day of August, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-One the Divine Spirit of The One Universal God Awakened within an ordinary boy. And he was transformed into Bhagavan Sri Babajhan Al-Kahlil The Friend. And Universal God Ordained Him to end The Age of Ignorance and Wrong Belief; to Save The People from self-destruction; and to bring forth The New Age of Universal God's Pure Truth of Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma on earth. And The One Universal God asked that The Friend fulfill His Divine Design and return to this world in ignorance, and attain The Supreme Goal by His own efforts in following The Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma. To the end that all men might know that True Salvation and Liberation may be won by both Divine Grace and The Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma. And The Friend of all Souls returned to this world in ignorance of His Self-Realization, His True Nature as Universal God's Divine Living Expression, and His Holy Mission. For 25 years, The Friend wandered through the wilderness of this world, discovering and following The Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma; and seeking The Way by which Self-Realization could be attained by man's own efforts. And on March 12, 1977 The Friend found The Way, and attained Self-Realization and Perfect Union with Universal God. Again, Universal God offered The Friend the choice of remaining in Perfect Final Union with Him, or making the Supreme Sacrifice of returning to this world to fulfill His Divine Mission for the Salvation and Liberation of all Souls. And again, The Friend of all Souls made The Supreme Self-Sacrifice and returned to this world to fulfill The Supreme Holy Mission of bringing forth The Holy Satya Yuga. Because of this Supreme Sacrifice, Universal God Ordained Him Adhyatma Bhagavan Sri Babajhan Al-Kahlil The Friend; and decreed that His Name should reign Supreme among the Enlightened of all Nations and throughout all the Seven Worlds, forever. Article Eight Universal God does not take away the people's Free Will or Free Choice. All Good comes to pass through the union of Right Conditions, Right Choice, and Divine Grace. Upon Awakening, Universal God offered The Friend a Free Choice: enter into Perfect Final Union and eternal bliss; or, return to the world of suffering, sorrow, and death to fulfill His Holy Ordination. In Universal Love and Compassion, The Friend Sacrificed Eternal Paradise; and returned to the world of suffering, sorrow, and death for the sake of all Souls. Having made the Supreme Sacrifice, He vowed never to take His Final Union with Universal God until all Souls had attained it before Him. But to spend a lifetime in the flesh. And then, to reside within the hearts of all people in The Spirit; to help all who Call Upon Him; and Guide all Souls to the True Salvation and Liberation of Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma and Self-Realization. Article Nine Self-Sacrifice is the Highest Religion. Creation, Existence, and Being were born by Universal God's Divine Self-Sacrifice. Universal God's continuing Self-Sacrifice alone Maintains them. Because of The Friend's Supreme Self-Sacrifice and Vow, Universal God made this Divine Promise: Whoever receives the True Enlightenment of The Friend's Holy Initiation; and follows Him to the end of this life; shall Attain Self-Realization and receive the Supreme Gift of Salvation and Liberation which He Sacrificed for the sake of all Souls. Article Ten Universal God's Divine Truth is Eternal, Universal, and Indivisible. The vain opinions and declarations of men and women cannot touch it. Cannot change it. Even the Holy Scriptures are but a reflection of it. Nothing can divide it. People and Nations may make vain declarations in an effort to divide it. They may divide its letter, but there is nothing which can divide its Spirit. Universal God Awakened within The Friend to Renew the Divine Spirit of Universal Truth within The Law; not to destroy its letter. The Friend has not come to depose or deny any of Universal God's Prophets, Saints, Buddhas, Saviors, or Avataras. He comes to affirm them and their Oneness and Unity in The One Universal Spirit. He comes to complete the final step in the Divine Bridge between the people and Universal God. He comes not to destroy Religions. He comes to Renew and Restore Universal God's highest and most ancient Universal Divine Truth of Holy Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma to all people. The One Supreme Universal Truth upon which all True Religions are founded though they know it not. He comes to Awaken The People and Enlighten all Souls to The Truth: that ignorance, wrong believing, lust, materialism, selfishness, hatred, and division are death and darkness. But that Universal Peace, Love, Understanding, Compassion, Freedom, Truth, Joy, and Self-Realization are Life and Light. He comes as a living Self-Sacrifice. That, through Him, all People may receive Universal God's Divine Gift of Universal Love, Compassion, and Grace; and be set Free, forever. The Holy Book of Destiny
© Copyright 2003 - Adhyatma Bhagavan The Friend - All Rights Are Reserved
*Note: The words "Adhyatma-Yoga- Dharma" as used herein, simply mean: "God's Eternal Universal Religion" and do not imply any connection with Hinduism or Eastern Faiths in general.