Reverend Maitreya Bhagavan The Friend


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It may seem unusual and even startling to some, to go from the serene and beautiful pages of God's Eternal Universal Religion to the pages of Maitreya's Special Projects.

This contrast exemplifies our Founder, Reverend Maitreya Bhagavan The Friend. Maitreya is not some pie-in-the-sky self-styled "guru" or "spiritual teacher" or "cult leader" or aloof and detached monk.

Spiritual & Religious Teacher, poet, author and creator of the world's first all-metal "Destiny Book, Behavioral Scientist and Marriage, Family Therapist, photographer, maker of beautiful music, civic organizer, friend to many regardless of station or rank, humanitarian, patriot and sometimes self-described "red neck," carpenter, mechanic and builder of things, computer specialist, designer of The Empty Chair Memorial to America's Fallen Soldiers and, most important, One in whom God has Awakened and ordained to lead The Soldiers of The Light to Victory over The Force of Darkness and bring forth The Age of Universal God's Pure Divine Truth on Earth for the Salvation and Liberation of all Souls and the continued survival of Humanity. Having been taken into Perfect Final Union with God twice, Maitreya twice sacrificed Perfect Final Union with God to return to this world of suffering to do God's Work. Further, he made a solemn and eternal Vow of Compassion that he would never again enter into Perfect Final Union with God until he has seen all Souls safely Home into Perfect Final Union with God before him. For this amazing self-sacrifice, God named him Maitreya The Friend of all Souls and gave His New Promise to all Souls.

Maitreya teaches that The Way to realize God is not to turn our backs on the world or try and run away from the world, but to live in the fullness of God's Divine Spirit and infuse the Divine Spirit of God into every thought and act and part of our world. He teaches that we should live like a hurricane: vigorous action for good all around but with a still center fixed firmly on God within. He teaches us to love, honor and revere all of the Mercies that God has sent unto Man in the form of His Prophets, Saints, Buddhas, Saviors and Avatars of all times without being bound to believe what writers have said about them. In witness of how much he means it, he has a statue of the Buddha on his dresser and his favorite picture of Jesus right next to it. Maitreya teaches that there is no least conflict between these manifestations of God's Mercy, but that the only conflict comes from ignorant or misguided followers. In Maitreya, all such conflicts Man has wrapped around God's Mercies dissolve and become harmonized and united in him.

Maitreya is unlike anyone you have ever met. Yet, to all outer appearances, he is just like anyone you have ever met. To meet Maitreya The Friend on the street, you would never guess that hes is anything but ordinary. He is unassuming and humble, to the point of being self-effacing. He constantly describes himself as "the most ordinary man I know," and one of his favorite and most frequent saying is, "Of myself I am nothing - with God all things are possible. He says that God must have chosen him (he doesn't question God or God's motives) because he is so ordinary that if he could attain the Goal of Life, anybody could do it.

As you visit the Special Projects that Maitreya The Friend has brought into being, you may be startled that these are so different from the "spiritual" projects that Hollywood's movies and "new age" books lead you to expect. Don't be too quick to judge. As Maitreya says, if you lived in the time of Christ or Buddha, you would probably be very disappointed that they would not "live up" to Hollywood's false image either.

Special Projects

1. The Empty Chair Memorial

Click on Picture to go to The Empty Chair Memorial

2. The Redondo Beach Memorial Day Parade and Tribute to America's Fallen Heroes

Click on Picture to go to The Memorial Day Parade

3. The Religious Resistance

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